(208) 895-6611

Patients Rights and Responsibilities
Southern Idaho Surgery Center employees and healthcare providers will show you respect, maintain your dignity, and make you feel as comfortable as possible while you’re receiving care from us. Good healthcare is a partnership. You have the right to participate in the development and implementation of your plan of care, and we want you and your family to make informed choices in that process. You can help by providing accurate and timely information to your healthcare providers, asking questions, and following your individualized care plan.
Southern Idaho Surgery Center patients are involved in decisions about care, treatment, and services provided. Family members may be involved in the decision-making, with permission from the patient or surrogate decision-maker. Patients can freely voice complaints and recommend changes without being subject to coercion, discrimination, reprisal/retaliation, humiliation, or unreasonable interruption of care, treatment, and services.
If you have concerns or complaints about your care, we will try to address them quickly and fairly. We ask that you discuss your concerns with your caregiver or, if you prefer, with a hospital manager.
If you are not satisfied with the way we answer your concerns, please contact Patient Relations by phone, email, or mail, and we will look into your concerns.
Our goal is to provide a written response to your concerns within Fourteen (14 ) days or sooner of receipt. In the event we’re not able to fully investigate and respond to your concern within this timeframe, we’ll communicate any delays to you in writing. Please be assured that we will investigate all concerns and respond as quickly as possible. You may also file your concern independently with:
State of Idaho
Bureau of Facility Standards
PO Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0009
(208) 334-6626
Idaho Department of Human Services
1720 Westgate Drive
Boise, ID 93704 (800) 926-2588
If you aren’t satisfied with the care provided by your caregiver (doctor, nurse, assistant), you have the right to ask to be cared for by another doctor from our medical staff or you may ask for a different nurse, therapist, or assistant. We’ll do everything we can to get you a different caregiver, but there may be times when this is not possible.
Patient Responsibilities
In addition to the preceding rights, you must accept certain responsibilities in order to receive maximum benefit from your visit at Southern Idaho Surgery Center
You are responsible:
For providing, to the best of your knowledge, accurate and complete information about present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, and other matters related to your health.
For reporting your perceived risks in your care and/or unexpected changes in your condition.
For participating in the formation of your treatment plan and for following the plan for care, service, or treatment as prescribed.
To express any concerns you have about your ability to follow and/or comply with the prescribed treatment plan.
For asking questions when you don’t understand what you’ve been told or what you’re expected to do.
For the consequences and outcomes, if you don’t follow the care, service, or treatment plan.
For being considerate and respectful of the rights of other patients and staff, and of the property of others and the facility.
For following the rules and regulations of the Southern Idaho Surgery Center concerning patient care and conduct. Please help us control noise and disturbances, and follow the tobacco use policies.
For promptly meeting any financial obligations agreed to with Southern Idaho Surgery Center.

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